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博彩网址大全 Grounds Services

The Saint Louis University Department of Grounds Services is responsible for the maintenance and beautification of campus grounds, including flower beds, shrub and tree maintenance, litter collection, irrigation system maintenance, and snow removal.

博彩网址大全 Grounds

Grounds Services is also responsible for maintenance of athletic fields and turf, as well as sidewalk and parking lot maintenance and repair, and the University's single-stream recycling program. All of these tasks help preserve the clean and beautiful atmosphere that is a part of Saint Louis University.

Grounds Services' staff is responsible for approximately 265 maintainable acres and is comprised of 23 grounds supervisors and workers, with a supervisor ratio of 1:10 and 14 acres/FTE. The department has an average grounds inspection rating of 4.6/5.0 from Sightlines, ranking higher than the peer group.

Service Listing

Athletic/Intramural Field Maintenance

Grounds Services provides turf maintenance to all athletic/intramural fields throughout campus, including four Division 1 natural grass athletic fields, one natural grass and one Sprinturf™ field for intramural activities. If you encounter an issue related to athletic/intramural field maintenance, please submit a service request.

Hardscape Maintenance

Grounds Services is responsible for all hardscape maintenance related to parking lots/structures, concrete walks, paver areas and retaining walls. Maintenance may include repair and/or replacement of areas damaged by accident, weather or lifespan of the hardscape element.

If you encounter an issue related to hardscape maintenance, please submit a service request. Select "Work Request for Grounds Services," then "General," choosing which option is necessary: pothole repair, road/parking lot/sidewalk repair, stairwell or glass clean up.


Grounds Services is responsible for irrigation system maintenance on campus. 博彩网址大全 uses the RainBird IQ Platform, which is a remote water management controls system on campus, for irrigation. All turf zones are separated from shrub/perennial zones to eliminate unnecessary and wasteful watering.

If you encounter an issue related to the irrigation system, please submit a service request. Select "Work Request for Grounds Services," then "Irrigation," submitting once the issue is specified.


All routine horticultural related services throughout campus are delivered by our in-house grounds crew. Horticultural services include turf, perennial and annual flower design, installation and maintenance. Services also included are tree planting, pruning and removal. Additional information on the management of trees on campus can be found in the 博彩网址大全 Tree Care Plan.

If you have a landscape related need, please submit a service request.

Pest Management - Exterior

Grounds Services provides limited exterior pest management services such as the removal of dead animals including birds, bats, squirrels, rabbits, fish and possums. If you encounter a dead animal, please submit a service request.

Snow Removal

The Saint Louis University grounds crew works diligently to ensure that the walkways and thoroughfares on campus are clear and safe during inclement weather. Additional information can be found in the grounds department's Snow and Ice Removal Policy.

If you assistance relating to snow or ice removal, please submit a service request.

Waste and Recycling Collection

博彩网址大全 is part of the single-stream recycling program. At 博彩网址大全 you can recycle paper, cardboard, metal, plastic and glass materials in single-stream receptacles. Pairs of blue Recycling receptacles and black Landfill containers can be found outdoors on all St. Louis campuses and are maintained by Grounds Services.

If you encounter a container that needs to be emptied or requires maintenance, please submit a service request. Choose "Work Request for Grounds Services," then select "General" and "Trash/Recycling Overflowing" to report either a landfill or recycling receptacle service.