Purchasing a Parking Permit
All faculty, staff, students and visitors parking a vehicle at Saint Louis University must comply with the University and state parking regulations, policies and procedures. To register for parking, use the Parking icon under your my博彩网址大全 Tools tab. If you have difficulties registering, email parking@mblayst.com.
If you have a valid 博彩网址大全 parking permit, you must park according to your permit's permissions and with your license plate facing the aisle for the purpose of scanning. If you have questions about your permit's restrictions, contact the Office of Parking, Card and Transportation Services. If you do not have a valid 博彩网址大全 parking permit, visitor garages are located on both the north and south campuses.
Disabled Parking for Permit Holders
博彩网址大全’s Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX, located in DuBourg Hall, Room 36, authorizes disabled parking access on campus to those with a valid 博彩网址大全 parking permit. A disabled parking application and supporting documentation must be submitted and reviewed before authorization for disabled parking is approved. Call 314-977-3838 for more complete information.
Due to the volume of people parking on campus and the location of parking facilities, the University shuttle system will be used whenever possible to provide transportation from a designated parking area to a point near the individual's destination on campus.
Violators who park in disabled spaces without authorization will be issued a $75 fine, and the vehicle will be subject to immediate tow.
Temporary Medical Permits
Should an injury or illness temporarily limit your mobility, contact the Office of Equal Opportunity and Title IX at 314-977-3838 to receive authorization for temporary disabled parking. You must complete the disabled parking application and provide supporting medical documentation.
A temporary hang tag will be issued and must be displayed from your rearview mirror.
Temporary medical permits are only authorized for the time deemed necessary by your physician. You must still pay for University parking during this time.
Faculty Emeritus Parking
Parking on campus is complimentary for 博彩网址大全 emeritus faculty at the Laclede, Olive, and Hickory East and Hickory West garages. A 博彩网址大全 ID is needed to access garages and lots. Simply place the card on the card reader, and the gate will rise. Please note that:
- Parking is not available in the visitor sections of the Laclede, Olive, and Hickory garages.
- Emeritus faculty are not eligible for complimentary parking for 博彩网址大全 Chaifetz Arena events in parking locations east of Grand.
If you are not identified in Banner as emeritus faculty, Parking and Card Services will require appropriate verification of your status from the Office of the Provost before an ID and complimentary parking will be issued. Emeritus faculty have the same parking privileges, and are subject to the same rules, as permit holders in the designated garages.
Frequently Asked Questions
Fees for parking permits are billed directly to student accounts. Faculty and staff are billed through bi-weekly or monthly payroll deduction. Anyone else in need of a permit should contact Parking, Card and Transportation Services for alternate payment options.
A parking enforcement vehicle scans the license plate to see if it is authorized for a particular lot or garage. Since the cameras are mounted to the vehicle, it is required that you park with your plates facing the aisle to facilitate the scanning process.
Yes, license plate information is used for validation purposes only. Your license plate information is not shared with other departments.
Add the vehicle to your account via my博彩网址大全. The information will then be updated in our systems as a valid permit. Only one vehicle is permitted to park at a time.
Students with preferred parking can use any of the preferred or general parking areas, with the exception of those for faculty and staff only and resident parking areas. If you have general parking, you may park in those areas only.
Faculty and staff with preferred parking may park in any preferred or general parking areas, with the exception of resident lots. If you have general parking, you may park in those areas only.
You will be able to park in any of the resident or general parking areas.
The Laclede Garage will be open to all permit holders (except evening general) from 5 p.m. to 2 a.m. during the week and 7 a.m. to 2 a.m. during the weekend for use of the gym.
An evening rate for parking is available at the north and south campuses and Scott Hall. See our parking rates for more details.
Yes, if you purchase a residential or preferred permit and are parked in a designated area. General parking permits (also known as commuter permits) do not allow overnight parking. Resident permits are only available to those living in University housing. Anyone else who plans to park on campus overnight must purchase a preferred permit.
Scott Hall permits have the same access as preferred or preferred evening permits on the north and south campuses.
Unless you have a premium or 24-hour reserved parking permit for the Scott Hall garage at the School of Law, you are not guaranteed a particular space or parking area. Your parking permit gives you access to multiple parking areas, but does not guarantee you parking in any of them. For general commuter and resident general permits, most of the available parking spaces are located within the Olive Garage on the north campus or the Hickory Garages on the south campus.
If you have a valid 博彩网址大全 parking permit, you are no longer considered a visitor and cannot use these areas or utilize discounted visitor rates. The visitor sections of Laclede and Olive garages (indicated by blue pillars with white lettering reading "Visitor") are reserved for visitors only 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
No. Parking regulations and parking permit restrictions remain in effect regardless of the gate’s status. If you have questions about your permit's restrictions, contact us.
Hazard lights do not allow you the ability to park temporarily. You must park according to campus parking rules and regulations at all times. In an emergency, such as a vehicle breakdown, contact our office at 314-977-2957 and the Department of Public Safety at 314-977-3000 and provide a vehicle description and estimated time of repair. If towing or a jump start is needed, we can assist or refer you to those who can.